Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ottoman Turkish Empire Settlement payments

As I was doing my California state taxes last night, I ran across an unbelievable question:

"Did you receive any income from Ottoman Turkish Empire Settlement payments?"

I was so tickled that I went and told my dad.

This actually is slightly relevant to our family, because my father's father's father, Georg Mueller (an ethnic German living in a German village in Georgia on the Black Sea), was inducted into the Russian Army in 1877-78 to fight ... none other than the Ottoman Empire (aka the Turkish Empire; aka 'The Sublime Ottoman State').

I playfully speculated that our family was deserving of such payments because the actions of the Ottoman Empire forced Russia to abandon its century-long agreement to let the German settlers in its territories retain their religion, culture and language, and not induct them into the army. This stressed out my great-grandfather and made him a little crazy, which in turn made my grandfather a little crazy, and my dad suffered from his craziness, and I suffered in the telling and retelling of it.

So, I probably deserve some kind of settlement.

To find out where to sign up for an Ottoman Empire settlement payment, I did some research.

It turns out that in 2005 a life insurance company was forced to pay some settlements from actions of the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1923, in which they committed genocide against Armenians, Kurds and others. Last year (I suppose), the CA legislature voted to make such settlements exempt from taxes.

I guess I don't get a Ottoman Empire settlement payment.