Monday, November 3, 2008

Stanley Muller slide scanning project done

I have now scanned over 7000 of my dad's (Stanley Muller) slides from roughly 372 rolls of film. I believe I am done scanning his slides. When I started this project, I didn't know how many there were, but I guessed around 4000.

Along the way, I've had fun discovering lots of stuff I remember from my childhood, as well as a large number of slides, both old and "recent" that I had never seen before at all.

Probably the most pleasant surprise of my entire scanning experience: I found a set of slides that I had given up for lost. The subject was a 1959 automobile ferryboat trip from San Francisco to Oakland and back. I remember this trip, when I was 4, and I remember seeing slides from this trip when I was a very young child in the early 60s during slide shows that my dad would put on periodically.

Other jewels I have uncovered in recent days: A set of pictures from a trip my family made to Fairyland in Oakland in 1958. I was 3. I have pictures of me meeting Skipper Sedley and King Fuddle. Skipper Sedley had a TV show on KRON channel 4 in the Bay Area that I used to watch.

I am going to be scanning around 100 or so slides of the work portfolio of my dad's long-time employer, Cornelius Sampson. He inherited these slides when Sampson died. He didn't know what to do them, other than preserve them, and both he and Sampson's wife couldn't bear to throw them away.

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